Miramichi Genealogy Society research queries?

NBGS-Miramichi Branch gets many visitors to our site that have questions about genealogy research that they are undertaking.  Because we are a totally volunteer group it is difficult for our members to help.  Some of our members have helped when it was possible to do so in a timely manner.  However, as the requests for help grows this is becoming more and more difficult.  We suggest that you post your question on our site or use our Facebook page.


Our Facebook Group

Miramichi Genealogy Society now has a Facebook Group that has been just launched.  As our members grow it should be a good place to pose questions related to your genealogy research project that has links to the Miramichi region.  Eventually there will be links between our website and our Facebook Group.  We are just working out the technology to make this a seamless process. You can join our Facebook Group via the link below.

From Statistics Canada

All provinces and territories had more deaths in 2020/2021 than in 2019/2020, except for Prince Edward Island (16 fewer deaths, -1.1%) and Quebec (3,473 fewer deaths, -4.8%).

For the 2020/2021 period, population growth rate was the highest in Yukon (+1.9%) and Prince Edward Island (+1.8%), and lowest in Saskatchewan (+0.0%) and Newfoundland and Labrador (-0.2%).


Release date: September 29, 2021