Members of The Miramichi Branch Genealogy Society have compiled information about each of the Families listed below. The detailed information on each of these families can be accessed in the “Members Only” section of our website.
ABRAMS,William, c 1785-1844 | HAY, William, 1792-1873 |
ADAMS, Abner Alan, 1864-1924 | HIERLIHY, Philip, bef 1766-c 1804 |
ADAMS, James, 1841-1915 | HOLMES, James, c 1800-1859 |
ALLEN, Benjamin, 1735-1823 | JARDINE, Joseph, 1767-1849 |
ALLISON, Alexander, c 1830-1871 | JARDINE, Robert, 1799-1875 |
ALLISON, David, c 1805- | JESSIMAN, Alexander, 1807-1889 |
ALLISON, Hugh, c 1816- | KELLY, James, M, bef 1798-1844 |
ALLISON, John, c 1810- | KELLY, William, c 1791- |
ALLISON, John, – 1839 | KELLY, William Moore, 1827-1888 |
ALLISON, Samuel, c 1798- | KENNY, Michael, 1839-1913 |
ALLISON, Samuel, c 1820-1876 | KERR, George, 1805-1872 |
ALLISON, William, c 1769- | KERR, James, 1810- |
ALLISON, William, Aug 1801-1869 | KEYS, Patrick, c 1801-1877 |
ANDERSON, James, 1761- | KRYGSVELD, David, 1941- |
BATEMAN, Joseph, 1801- | LEWIS, John, c 1790-1846 |
BAZELY/BAISLEY, William, 1812-1900 | LOGGIE, Robert, c 1750-bef 1814 |
BLACKMORE, Thomas Richard, c 1785- | LUKE, Charles, 1777- |
BRAY, Cyrus, 25 July 1807- | LUKE, James, 1808-1873 |
BREMNER, Philip, 3 Jan 1781-1859 | LYONS, Paul, c 1794- |
BROWN, William, | MACDONALD, Alexander, 1765-1833 |
BURBRIDGE, Richard, 1790-1866 | MACDONALD, Alexander, 1775-1843 |
BURNS, William, 1809-1884 | MACDOUGALL, Hugh, 1761-1827 |
CAMERON, Archibald, 1769-1861 | MACKAY, John, 1802-1880 |
CAMERON, Donald, 1826-1889 | MACKAY, Peter, 1776-1836 |
CAMPBELL, Alexander, c 1809-1883 | MACKENZIE, Roderick, 1808-1893 |
CAMPBELL, John, c 1758-1850 | MACKNIGHT, Samuel, 1780- |
CAMPBELL, John, | MACLEAN, Hugh, – 1810- |
CARROLL, Daniel, c 1783- | MACNAUGHTON, John, |
CARROLL, Malachy, c 1792- | MACNAUGHTON, Malcolm, 1797-1865 |
CARROLL, Matthew, c 1794-1868 | MARKS, John, bef 1798-1873 |
CARROLL, Matthew, c 1800-c 1835 | MATCHETT, William, 1800-1875 |
CARROLL, Matthew, c 1801- | MAYES, Robert, 1789-1853 |
CARROLL, Michael, c 1792- | MCGRAW, Neil, 1755-1834 |
CARROLL, Miles, c 1804-1871 | MCINNIS, John, c 1811- |
CARROLL, Patrick, c 1790- | MCKAY, George, 1809-1892 |
CARROLL, Thomas, 1780- | MCLEAN, John, 1770- |
CARROLL, Thomas, 1810-1895 | MCLEAN, Thomas, 1810-1897 |
CARROLL, Thomas, c 1813-1859 | MCLEOD, William, |
CHAPMAN, James, c 1825-1909 | MCRAE/MCGRAW, Duncan, -1820 |
CLANCY, Thomas, 1791- | MILLS, James, 1762-1848 |
CLARKE, Abraham, 1811-1889 | MULLIN, Jacob, 1802-1887 |
CLARK, James, 1754-1823 | MULLIN, Thomas, 1793-1881 |
COOK, Terrence, 1809- | MURRAY, Richard, 1819-1898 |
COPP, Henry, 1785-1877 | MURRAY, Thomas, 1805-1873 |
CRABB, John, 1741- | MUTCH, Alexander, 1799-1875 |
CROWE, Cornelius, c 1830-1904 | NEWMAN, John, c 1734-1797 |
CURTIS, John, c 1796-1862 | NOLAN/NOWLAN, John, 1826-1904 |
DAVIDSON, Alexander, 1788-1860 | PARKS, William, c 1802-1853 |
DAVIDSON, John, c 1763- | PERLEY, Asa, 1814-1894 |
DENNIS, Joseph, c 1805-1866 | PERLEY, Dudley, 1779-1860 |
DICK, Alexander, 1790-1868 | PORTER, Thomas, 1811-1874 |
DICK, George, 1745-1814 | POWER, John, 1766-1825 |
DICKSON, James, 1770-1858 | QUINN, Patrick, 1771-1838 |
DORAN, John, 1835-1919 | RAMSAY, Angus, 1811-1886 |
DOWER, John, | SAUNDERS, Joseph, 1765-bef 1825 |
DOYLE, Maurice, c 1807-1862 | SCOTT, William, 1812- |
DUNN, Daniel, 1754-1823 | SHANNON, Anthony, 1872-1952 |
DUNN, John, 1812-1881 | SHERWOOD, Stephen, – 1823 |
DUNNETT, John, 1797- | SHIRLEY, James, 1784-1872 |
ESTEY, James, 1791-1875 | SINCLAIR, Angus, 1789-1853 |
FISHER, Angus, c 1788- | SINCLAIR, Peter H, 1812-1882 |
FLANAGAN, Martin, 1809-1874 | STURGEON, James, 1796-bef 1871 |
FLETT, George, 1780-1867 | SULLIVAN, John Michael, 1786-1856 |
FOWLIE, George, 1793-1843 | SWEENEY, Peter, c 1837- |
FRASER, Katherine | TRAVERS/TREVORS, John, 1766-1854 |
GIBBONS, John, 1810-1875 | VYE, Charles, c 1761-c 1843 |
GREEN, Charles Maxwell, 1801- | WALLS, James, 1765-1852 |
GREGAN, Robert, 1801-1849 | WATLING, Jubal |
HALLORAN, John, 1821-1872 | WHITNEY, Ebenezer, c 1745-1810 |
HARDING, Robert, 1842- | WILSON, Mungo, 1782-1866 |
HARPER, Robert, 1885-1978 | WILLISTON, John Bailey, 1757-1833 |
HARRIS, James, c 1801-c1868 | WRIGHT, James, 1806- |
Members of The Miramichi Branch Genealogy Society have compiled information about each of the Families listed below. The detailed information one each of these families can be accessed in our “Members Only” section of our website.
ADAMS ALEXANDER 1784-1845 | MARTIN, William, 1741-1814 |
ADAMS,JUSTUS, | MATTHEWS, Donald, c1795-1879 |
ALFORD, Robert, 1798–? | McCAFFERTY, Henry, c1800-bef 1861 |
ALLISON, John, 1780-after 1839 | McCOLM, James, 1795-1854 |
AMOS, Amos, 1811-1905 | McCONNELL, George, 1801-1876 |
AMOS, Joseph, 1811-1905 | McCOSH, Robert, c1793-1868 |
AMOS, Robert, 1815-1900 | McEACHERN, John, 1784-1879 |
ANDERSON, James, bef 1811-bef 1851 | McEACHERN, John, 1818- |
APPLEBY, Benjamin, 1770-1851 | McGRATH, Michael, 1798-1846 |
ARBO, W. Joseph, 1766-1829 | McKAY, Donald, c1786-1861 |
ARSENEAU, Raphael, 1845- | McKAY, George, 1809-1892 |
ASHTON, William, 1793-1870 | McKAY, George, c1779-1855 |
AUSTIN, Moses, c 1780- | McKAY, Hugh, c1788-1840 |
BARRY, James, 1838-1908 | McKAY, John, 1809- |
BELL, Walter, 1802-1854 | McKAY, Robert, 1791-bef 1869 |
BERNARD, Johnson, 1816-1897 | McKENDRICK, Michael, c1796-1870 |
BREAU, Joseph 1848- | McKENZIE, John, c1783-after 1859 |
BRYENTON, George, 1816-1907 | McKINNON, Gregor, 1749-bef 1839 |
BUCK, Nathaniel, 1807-1894 | McLEAN, Alexander, c1752-c1840 |
BUCKLEY, James, 1768-bef 1851 | McLEAN, Hector, 1859-1941 |
CHAPLIN, William, 1791-1858 | McLEAN, William A., 1819-1899 |
CLARK, James, 1803-1875 | McNEILL, Ann, 1823-1908 |
CLEARWATER, John, 1790-bef 1871 | McPHEE, Dugald, 1792- |
COPP, James, 1794-1855 | McTAVISH, John, 1775-1852 |
CRAMMOND, Charles, c 1788- | McTAVISH, Tavis, 1785-1860 |
CREAMER, David, 1801- | MEAGHER, Michael, c1786-1860 |
DAVIDSON, James, 1763-1824 | MENZIES, John, 1797-1864 |
DAVIDSON, William, 1740-1790 | MORRIS, Charles, 1822-bef 1901 |
DENNIS, James, c1789-1894 | MURDOCK, John, 1735-1797 |
DESMOND, Patrick, c 1781- | MURPHY, John, c1789-1857 |
DINAN, David, 1806- | MURPHY, Luke, 1798-1893 |
DONALDSON, John T., 1812-1857 | MURPHY, Marcus, 1801- |
DONNELLY, Alexander, 1791-1843 | MURPHY, Martin, 1808-after 1871 |
DONOVAN, Cornelius, c1793- | MURRAY, James, 1803-1891 |
DOWLING, John, -1830 | O’BRIEN, Michael, 1813-1907 |
DRYSDALE, William, 1730-1798 | O’DONNELL, James, c1784-after 1861 |
DUTHIE, Stephen, 1840-1910 | OLDFIELD, Henry, 1800-1879 |
EMMERSON, John, 1796-1856 | O’SHEA, Jeremiah, 1803-1886 |
ENGLISH, Bridget, 1782-1868 | PALLEN, John, 1812-1895 |
ENGLISH, James, 1816- | PAYNE, Samuel, 1800-bet 1871-81 |
ESTEY, Daniel, –bef 1826 | PEABODY, George, 1778-1852 |
FISH, Hiram, 1815-1853 | PETRIE, David, 1839-1919 |
FITZGERALD, Michael –bef 1829 | PHAIR, Edward, 1864-1946 |
FITZGERALD, William, 1791-1873 | PRICE, Thomas Walter, 1749-1817 |
FORD, William R., 1842-1930 | PRICE, William, 1796-c1866 |
FORSYTH, Robert, –1819 | QUAYLE, William, 1771-after 1853 |
FRASER, John, –1823 | ROGERS, Anthony, 1768-after 1793 |
GILKS, John, 1794-1878 | ROGERS, Edward, 1772-1858 |
GILLIS, Angus, bef 1774-1792 | ROGERS, John, 1770-after 1819 |
GILLIS, Duffy, c 1748-May 1824 | ROSS, Donald, 1751-1831 |
GILLIS, William, c1786-after 1851 | ROY, Jerome, 1847-1925 |
GODDARD, George W., 1829-1919 | RUSSELL, George, 1760-1840 |
GOGGIN, Joseph, 1842-1900 | RUSSELL, John, 1797-1844 |
GOODFELLOW, David –1825 | RYAN, Catherine, 1791-1861 |
GRAHAM, William, 1796- | SAUNTRY, Ellen, 1809- |
GRATTAN, John, 1798-1873 | SCOTT, John, 1762-1853 |
GUNN, James, c 1835-1889 | SHEASGREEN, Edward, c1803-after 1851 |
HARE, George, c1801-after 1868 | SHERRARD, James T., 1802-1872 |
HARE, Jane, c1808-after 1861 | SHERRARD, Samuel, c1810-1854 |
HARRIGAN, Dennis, c1780-1860 | SHERRARD, Thomas, bef 1822-1845 |
HENDERSON, William, c 1794-bef 1861 | SILLIKER, Jacob, 1818-abt 1880 |
HILL, Thomas, 1824-after 1891 | SIMPSON, George, bef 1852- |
HINES, Thomas, 1810-1885 | SMALLWOOD, Leonard, 1846-after 1901 |
HOSFORD, Jonathan, 1814-1900 | STEEL(E), John, c 1805- |
HOVEY, Aaron, c 1862-1839 | STEPHENSON, Thomas, 1815-1903 |
HUBBARD, George, 1768-1800 | STYMIEST, Benjamin C., c1731-after 1823 |
HUTCHISON, James, 1790-1882 | SUTHERLAND, George, bef 1780-after 1822 |
HYLAND, William, c1805-after 1883 | SUTTON, George, 1756-after 1817 |
JOHNSTON, James, 1780-1867 | TOUCHIE, John, -bef 1807 |
JOHNS(T)ON(E), Wm C., 1795-1869 | TOZER, Jared, 1704-1850 |
JONES, John, 1804-1866 | TRAVIS, Jeremiah, 1768-1841 |
KEATING, James, 1795-after 1861 | TWEEDIE, Joseph, c1792-1875 |
KEATING, Patrick, c1806-1883 | URQUHART, Rev. John, 1740-1814 |
KELLY, Patrick, c1806-1883 | VERIKER, Richard, 1825- |
KENNY, John, c1795- | VICKERS, James, 1801- |
LAWLOR, Henry, 1814-1906 | WELCH, James, 1758-1812 |
LYONS, Paul, 1794-after 1874 | WHALEN, John, c 1795-after 1851 |
MacTAVISH, Duncan, c1830-1883 | WILSON, John—bef 1851 |
MALTBY, Thomas B., 1792-1857 | YOUNG, William, c 1814-after 1884 |
MANDERVILLE, James, 1841-1919 |