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Family is not an important thing. It’s everything. 

Michael J. Fox

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President: Roma MacDonald
Past President: Faye Baisley
Secretary: Roger Savoy
Treasurer: Elsie Stefanyk
Membership: Vacant
Directors: Bill Donald
Anna MacDonald
Director at Large/Alt. Prov. Rep:  John Hachey
Provincial Rep: Marilyn Creamer-Fowler,
Dianne Mullin

How to Repair your GEDCOM file

Repairing a genealogy GEDCOM (Genealogical Data Communication) file may be necessary when you encounter errors, inconsistencies, or missing data in your genealogical data. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to repair a GEDCOM file. Note: Before you begin, make...

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5 great genealogy books written since 2020

1. "The Family Tree Toolkit: A Comprehensive Guide to Uncovering Your Ancestry and Researching Genealogy" by Kenyatta D. Berry Summary: This book is a practical guide for both beginners and experienced genealogists. It covers DNA testing, organizing research, and...

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A look at Heredis Genealogy software

There are many good quality genealogy software products on the market.  This is a review of one of them.  The product that we reviewed was HEREDIS.  This is a genealogy product from France.  However, it is an international product and works for anyone in North...

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