A  Bit of History

It will soon be 30 years since our group was formed.  The feasibility of founding a genealogical society on the Miramichi became apparent to Carmen Williston as he searched and compiled records of his family connections. Born in Bay Side, on the shores of the Miramichi, he graduated from Miramichi Rural High School and joined the Military. Upon retirement, the family chose to locate in Miramichi.

While doing his research, he talked to other genealogists, including Carl Landry at St. Michael’s Museum, visited other genealogy groups and spoke to interested local people.

With assurance of support, a notice was put in the local paper that a meeting to establish a Miramichi genealogical society would be held at the Chatham public library on April 10, 1991.

Eighteen people were present and the following executive was elected:

  • President – Carmen Williston
  • Vice President – Donald Ross
  • Secretary/Treasurer – Carl Landry
  • Committee Chairman – Steven Quinn

Over the years there have been may changes and as technology advanced the group embraced it and soon a Miramichi Genealogy website was born.  It has been updated and changed over the years until our group decided to develop a new site with more features, more security and easier for selected members to post new information to the site.

If you are already a member of our group and would like to help post local genealogy information, assist with membership, or something else, then  please use our Contact page and one of our group will get back to you quickly.